Course Teaching Portfolio

(Suggested Table of Contents)

1. My Teaching Journey: An Introduction (aim for two pages)
2. Description of Teaching Philosophy (two to three pages)
3. Current Course Materials (syllabus, sample handouts, sample assignments and tests, etc.)
4. Efforts to Improve Teaching (e.g., brief description of conferences with mentor, workshops attended, innovations or experiments in teaching, etc.)
5. Compilation or Summary of Mentor, Peer, and/or Student Evaluations (as available)
6. Products of Teaching (some evidence of student learning as available, such as graded quizzes, papers, projects, all with student names redacted)
7. Thoughtful Reflection on Teaching Goals: Short- and Long-Term (two to three pages)
8. any additional materials (e.g., video file of teaching)

Page estimates are guidelines. Please use space-and-a-half or double spacing for text, except for course materials and products of teaching (sections 3 and 6).

For more information, contact Dr. Morris Grubbs at or (859) 257-9725.