Faculty & Staff Forms
Note: For cybersecurity reasons, all Degree Forms are now only accessible through VPN or on campus internet. If a student or staff member does not have VPN access they can request it from central campus via the following process:
- Access the VPN Access Request Form.
- Log in using your LinkBlue credentials.
- Under “Justification for VPN Access”, enter “Required for graduate students and university staff to complete the Graduate School degree forms.”
Form to Appoint a new DGS or DGC
Graduate Faculty Appointment Request Form
Teaching Assistants
- Teaching Assistant Observation Form (PDF)
- Online Teaching Assistant Observation Form (Qualtrics)
- End-of-Semester Evaluation Form (Word)
- Online End-of-Semester Evaluation Form (Qualtrics)
Forms for DGS and DGS Staff
- Diversity Recruitment Allocation Planning Form
- Notice of Appointment to Graduate Student Academic Staff (GSAS)
- Exception to GSAS Business Procedures Form
- Hiring Department Procedure/GSAS for Non-Academic Departments
- *Assistantship Overload Request Form (to request > 0.5 FTE work for grad students)
- *Fellowship Overload Request Form (to request additional assignments or fellowships for those students who are already supported by a Graduate School Fellowship)
- Recruitment Expenditure Reimbursement
- Summer Option Verification
- Instructions (pdf)
- Form (pdf)
Forms for DGC
Post-Doctoral Forms
Invited Visiting Student Form
University Senate Forms
- For forms pertaining to actions which require University Senate approval, such as new program proposals, visit https://www.uky.edu/universitysenate/forms .