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The Visiting Distinguished Faculty Program allows programs to bring in a distinguished scholar to participate in the doctoral examination of their best students. The Graduate School is honored to use this legacy to the Nietzels to support the recipients of the Visiting Distinguished Faculty Award.

“The University of Kentucky has defined my adult and professional life, and in the course of doing so, has afforded me more opportunities and rewards than I ever would have dreamed possible.” - Dr. Michael T. Nietzel, Former Provost, University of Kentucky, 2001-2005

Deadlines: October 1 for fall competition (which can be used within a year) and March 1 for spring competition (which can be used within a year).  We will also consider applications received between these periods, pending availability of funds.

The Myrle E. and Verle D. Nietzel Visiting Distinguished Faculty Endowment was established in 2004 by UK’s former Provost Michael T. Nietzel, Ph.D. in honor of his parents. Dr. Nietzel began his career as a faculty member in the UK Department of Psychology in 1973 and served as the Dean of the Graduate School between from 1997 to 2001. He was appointed UK’s first provost on Nov. 1, 2002, after having served as acting provost since July 2001. As he left UK in March 2005 to serve as the President of University of Southwest Missouri State University, Dr. Nietzel said, “The University of Kentucky has defined my adult and professional life, and in the course of doing so, has afforded me more opportunities and rewards than I ever would have dreamed possible.” 

Dr. Nietzel himself created this award for the benefit of our finest graduate students. The VDF allows programs to bring in a distinguished scholar to participate in the doctoral examination of their best students. The Graduate School is honored to use this legacy to the Nietzels to support the recipients of the Visiting Distinguished Faculty Award.

Past Award Recipients

Visiting Distinguished Faculty Program Recipients


Recipient - Huazhen Liu, Plant Pathology 
Advisor - Pradeep Kachroo
Visiting Faculty - L. Aravind Iyer, NIH and National Library of Medicine 

Recipient - Daria Goncharova, English
Advisor - Alan Nadel
Visiting Faculty - Timothy Melley, Miami University 



Recipient - Emily Naser-Hall, English
Advisor - Alan Nadel
Visiting Faculty - Deborah A. Nelson, University of Chicago 



Recipient - Patricia Maria Gamboa, Hispanic Studies
Advisor - Ana Rueda
Visiting Faculty - Rexina Vega, Universidade de Vigo (Galcia, Spain) 



Recipient - Ashley Ruderman-Looff, Gender and Women's Studies
Advisor - Carol Mason
Visiting Faculty - Emily Thuma, University of Washington in Tacoma

Recipient - Carolina Quintana, Rehabilitation Sciences
Advisor - Mathew C. Hoch
Visiting Faculty - Valovich McLeod, A.T. Still University



Recipient - Mary Gravil, Early Childhood, Special Education, & Rehabilitation Counseling
Advisor - Jennifer Grisham-Brown
Visiting Faculty - Yash Bhagwanji, Florida Atlantic University 



Recipient - Albert J. Ksinan, Family Science
Advisor - Alexander T. Vazsonyi
Visiting Faculty - Irwan Douglas Waldman, Emory University

Recipient - Kevin Sedeño Guillén, Hispanic Studies
Advisor - Enrico Mario Santi
Visiting Faculty - Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, University of Texas at Austin



Recipient - Paul M. Hime, Biology
Advisor - David W. Weisrock
Visiting Faculty - Scott V. Edwards, Harvard University

Recipient - Kera Ackerman, Special Education
Advisor - Robert G. McKenzie
Visiting Faculty - Mary Brownell, University of Florida



Recipient - Erin Wachter, Chemistry
​Advisor - Edith Glazer
Visiting Faculty - Christine Cardin, University of Reading, UK

Recipient - Craig Slaven, English
Advisor - Alan Nadel
Visiting Faculty - Barbara Ladd, Emory University



Ignazio Graziosi, Entomology
Advisor - Lynne K. Rieske-Kinney
Visiting Faculty - Graham M. Stone, Edinburgh University

Recipient - Zuodong Jiang, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Advisor - Joe Chappell
Visiting Faculty - Erich Grotewold, The Ohio State University


Recipient - Erin Michelle Miller, Anatomy and Neurobiology
Advisor - Paul E. A. Glaser
Visiting Faculty - Vivienne A. Russell, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Recipient - Amy K. Anderson, English (Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Media)
Advisor - Roxanne Mountford
Visiting Faculty - David Frank, University of Oregon



Recipient - Tina M. Hudson, Special Education
Advisor - Robert McKenzie
Visiting Faculty - Douglas Fuchs and Lynn Fuchs, Vanderbilt Univ.

Recipient - Daniel R. Evans, Clinical Psychology
Advisor - Suzanne Segerstrom
Visiting Faculty - Michelle Shiota, Arizona State University



Recipient - Qing-ming Gao, Plant Pathology (Co-recipient)
Advisor - Aardra Kachoo
Visiting Faculty - Christopher Benning, Michigan State University

Recipient - Mihir Mandal    Plant Pathology (Co-recipient)
Advisor - Pradeep Kachroo
Visiting Faculty - Daniel Klessig, Cornell University

Recipient - Johanna Marie Hoch, Rehabilitation Sciences
Advisor - Carl G. Mattacola
Visiting Faculty - Virginia Byers Kraus, Duke University

Recipient - Nicholas Mattei, Computer Science
Advisor - Judy Goldsmith
Visiting Faculty - Francesca Rossi, Univ. of Padova, Italy

Recipient - Claire Davies, Rehabilitation Sciences
Advisor - Arthur Nitz
Visiting Faculty - David Baxter, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand



Recipient - Rae-Dong Jeong, Plant Pathology
Advisor - Pradeep Kachroo
Visiting Faculty - Chentao Lin, Univ. of California, Los Angeles

Recipient - Mary K. Hart, Biology
​Advisors - Philip Crowley and Craig Sargent
Visiting Faculty - Jane H. Brockman, University of Florida

Recipient - Melinda Ault, Special Education
Advisor - John W. Schuster
Visiting Faculty - Erik Carter, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Recipient - David Long, Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation
Advisor - Jane Jensen
Visiting Faculty - Kenneth Tobin, City University of New York

​Recipient - Vishal Sindhava, Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
Advisor - Subbarao Bondada
Visiting Faculty - Chandra Mohan, University of Texas Southwestern

Recipient - Ye Xia, Plant Pathology
Advisor - Pradeep Kachroo
Visiting Faculty - Ljerka Kunst, University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Recipient - Aashish Joshi, Anatomy and Neurobiology
Advisor - James Geddes
Visiting Faculty - J. Marie Hardwick, John Hopkins University



Recipient - Goce Andrevski, Management
Advisor - Walter J. Ferrier
Visiting Faculty - Jeff Covin, Indiana University

Recipient - Kevin Ford, Kinesiology and Health Promotion
Advisor - Richard S. Riggs
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Antonie J. van den Bogert​

Recipient - Nirmal Ravi, Biomedical Engineering
Advisor - David Puleo
Visiting Faculty - Rena Bizios, University of Texas at San Antonio



Recipient - Nathan Coleman, History
Advisor - Prof. Daniel B. Smith
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Robert Calhoon, UNC Greensboro

Recipient - Dory Marken, Gerontology
Advisor - Prof. John Watkins
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Malcolm Cutchin, UNC Chapel Hill

Recipient - Srivathsa Venugopal, Plant Pathology
Advisory - Prof. Pradeep Kachroo
Visiting Faculty - John Browse, Washington State University



Recipient - Kristi Branham, English
Advisor - Prof. Virginia Blum
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Lucy Fischer, University of Pittsburgh



Recipient - Roxana Ciochina, Chemistry
Advisor - Prof. Robert B. Grossman
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Brian Stoltz, California Institute of Technology



Recipient - Venkat Veeramani, Agricultural Economics
Advisor - Prof. Leigh J. Maynard
Visiting Faculty - Dr. George C. Davis, Texas A&M University



Recipient - Christopher Green, English
Advisor - Prof. Dale Bauer
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Walter Kalaidjian, Emory University

Recipient - Debra Hall, Nursing
Advisor - Prof. Julie Sebastian
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Mary Blegen, University of California-San Francisco

Recipient - George Harvey, Philosophy
Advisor - Prof. Daniel Frank
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Chris Bobonich, Stanford University  

Recipient - Freddie Hughes, Chemistry
Advisor - Prof. Mark Meier
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Jin K. Cha, Wayne State University 

Recipient - Jose Iriarte, Anthropology
Advisor - Prof. Tom D. Dillehay
Visiting Faculty - Dr. James Brown, Northwestern University or London School of Economics 

Recipient - Jeffrey Osborne, English
Advisor - Prof. Dana Nelson
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Robert Levine

Recipient - Zivile Panaviene, Plant Pathology
Advisor - Prof. Peter Nagy
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Theo Dreher, Oregon State University 

Recipient - K.S. Rajendran, Plant Pathology
Advisor - Prof. Peter Nagy
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Mark A. Young, Montana State University 

Recipient - Robyn Ridgley, Special Education
Advisor - Prof. John Schuster
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Michael Gamel-McCormick, University of Delaware 



Recipient - Leslie A. Ashburn-Nardo, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Margo J. Monteith
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Anthony Greenwald, University of Washington

Recipient - German A. Bayona, Geology
Advisor - Prof. William A. Thomas
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Peter C. DeCelles, University of Arizona

Recipient - Jeffrey K. Birkenstein, English
Advisor - Prof. Jerome T. Meckier
Visiting Faculty - Dr. J. Gerald Kennedy, Duke University

Recipient - Carolyn R. Dupont, History
Advisor - Prof. Kathi Kern
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Wayne Flynt, Auburn University

Recipient - Kate H. Flory, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Donald R. Lynam
​Visiting Faculty - Dr. William Pelham, SUNY-Buffalo

Recipient - Bryan T. Greenhagen, Plant Physiology
Advisor - Prof. Joseph Chappell
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Rodney Croteau, Washington State University

Recipient - David E. Magill, English
Advisor - Prof. Steven C. Weisenberger
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Thadious M. Davis, Vanderbilt University

Recipient - Eugenia M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, Soil Science
Advisor - Prof. John H. Grove
Visiting Faculty - Dr. David Mulla, University of Minnesota

Recipient - Steven R. Talbert, Nursing
Advisor - Prof. Juliann G. Sebastian
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Pamela Mitchell, University of Washington

Recipient - James K. Tussey, Educational & Counseling Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Eric M. Anderman
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Timothy C. Urdan, Santa Clara University



Recipient - Cormac C. Breathnac, Veterinary Science
Advisor - Prof. George P. Allen
Visiting Faculty - Dr. David W. Horohov, Louisiana State University

Recipient - Tricia Clement, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Thomas R. Zentall
Visiting Faculty - Dr. William S. Roberts

Recipient - Joshua D. Miller, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Donald R. Lynam

Recipient - Julie Cary Nerad, English
Advisors - Profs. Steven Weisenburger and Dana D. Nelson
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Werner Sollors, Harvard University

Recipient - Jeffery A. Nicholas, Philosophy
Advisor - Prof. Theodore R. Schatzki
Visiting Faculty - Dr. David Ingram, Loyola University

Rebecca A. Weaver, English
Advisor - Prof. Dana D. Nelson
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Anne McClintock, University of Wisconsin



Recipient - Jonathan D. Fisher, Economics
Advisor - Prof. William Hoyt
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Robert McCrae, National Institute of Aging

Recipient - Diane N. Hulett, English
Advisor - Prof. Gordon N. Hutner​

Recipient - Ronald L. Pitcock, English
Advisor - Prof. Janet C. Eldred

Recipient - Corrine I. Voils, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Margo J. Monteith

Recipient - Amy E. Wells, Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
Advisor - Prof. John R. Thelin
Visiting Faculty - Dr. Thomas G. Dyer, University of Georgia



Recipient - Amitabh Chandra, Economics
Advisor - Prof. Mark C. Berger

Recipient - Christopher S. Ciocchetti, Philosophy
Advisor - Prof. Daniel Frank

Recipient - Michael L. Dorn, Geography
Advisor - Prof. John Pickles

Recipient - Eileen A. Eliason, Entomology
Advisor - Prof. Daniel A Potter

Recipient - Gregory A. Graf, Physiology
Advisor - Prof. Eric Smart

Recipient - Carl V. Lutzer, Mathematics
Advisor - Prof. Peter D. Hislop

Recipient - Susan P. Mains, Geography
Advisor - Prof. John Paul Jones III

Recipient - Jeffrey J. Matthews, History
Advisor - Prof. George C. Herring

Recipient - Oleg V. Ozerov, Chemistry
Advisor - Prof. Fola Ladipo

Recipient - Douglas A. Riley, Mathematics
Advisor - Prof. Peter Perry



Recipient - Matthew Cordova, Psychology
Advisors - Profs. Charles Carlson and Michael Andrykowski

Recipient - Sherry Powers, Curriculum & Instruction
Advisors - Prof. Deneese L. Jones

Recipient - William E. Snyder, Entomology
Advisors - Prof. David H. Wise



Recipient - Mary Daniels, Spanish and Italian
Advisor - Prof. John J. Allen

Recipient - Alexi Dmitrienko, Statistics
Advisor - Prof. Zakkula Govindarajulu

Recipient - Warren Harper, Chemistry
Advisor - Prof. Dennis J. Clouthier

Recipient - Cynthia Hartung, Psychology
Advisor - Prof. Richard Milich

Recipient - Kristen Stauffer, Music
Advisor - Prof. Ronald A. Pen

Recipient - Robert Topmiller, History
Advisor - Prof. George C. Herring

Recipient - Jason Wolf, Biological Sciences
Advisor - Prof. Andrew Sih

The goals of the Visiting Distinguished Faculty (VDF) program are to enrich the dissertation experience for selected doctoral candidates whose dissertations are judged to be especially meritorious, and to publicize for academic leaders at other institutions the high quality of scholarship achieved by our doctoral students. This program also serves to enhance the overall intellectual and research environment at the University of Kentucky through colloquia offered by some of the nation’s most outstanding scholars.  Two awards are available on a competitive basis per academic year, one in the fall and one in the spring/summer. scholars.

The program provides funding to bring a nationally recognized academic leader to campus to serve as the Graduate School’s Outside Examiner for a student’s dissertation defense. As the Outside Examiner, the distinguished visitor will serve as the Dean’s representative at the final examination and will be expected to promote especially high standards in the examination of candidates.

The visiting scholar will also give a colloquium on his or her research. Priority should be given to identifying scholars whose work has the potential for benefiting as broad a campus audience as possible. In addition, in order to maximize the impact of this program, the dissertation defense should be well publicized and scheduled at a location that can accommodate larger than usual attendance.

The VDF program will provide up to $2,000 for the honorarium and travel costs. The student's college or department is expected to cover any remaining travel expenses.

Departments and programs are invited to nominate dissertations that are considered to have unusually high merit. Nominations should be made by the student’s major professor and endorsed by the Director of Graduate Studies. The online nomination application form is found below:

Nomination applications must be submitted by October 1 for the fall competition and by March 1 for the spring competition. The award will be announced by October 15 and March 15 respectively. The student must sit for the defense within one calendar year of the award date.

The award selection committee will base decisions on the following criteria:

  1. Overall merit of the dissertation as defined by the student's major professor
  2. Student's academic and professional achievements
  3. Proposed visiting faculty's credentials, reputation, and interdisciplinary appeal
  4. Support, financial and otherwise, from the college or department

In the event that merit, achievement, credentials, and financial support (the above criteria) are deemed equal across nominations, priority will be given to students in departments that have not previously or have not recently (within the past three years) received a VDF award.

Click here to complete the online nomination form and upload a PDF file of the required documents.

You will be asked to upload the following in a single PDF:

  1. Student's CV
  2. Proposed visiting scholar's CV
  3. Letter from major professor (committee advisor) describing the dissertation, arguing the work's exceptional merit, and providing the rationale for inviting the proposed visiting scholar
  4. Brief letter of endorsement from the DGS indicating departmental support
  5. Proposed budget, showing amounts designated for honorarium and travel, as well as any departmental contribution

For more information, contact:

Padraic Kenney, Dean
The Graduate School 
100 Gillis Building 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, KY 40506-0033