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Student Resources

Important Graduate School Information

Graduate School Bulletin
View the current Graduate School Bulletin.

Graduate Degree Programs
Get information about the programs you wish to pursue.

Directors of Graduate Studies
Find the name and contact information for the DGS for your program.

Directors of Graduate Certificates
Find the name and contact information for the DGC for your program.

Policies for International Travel
Information for students traveling abroad for educational purposes can be found on the current students page in a drop down. 

GradNewsNow Newsletters

General Information for All Students


Academic Calendar

Tuition & Fees

Cost of Attendance | Student Success ( - The total estimated expense to attend UK, including tuition, fees, housing, meals, books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses.

Tuition and Fees 2024-2025 | University of Kentucky Student Account Services ( - The specific charges for instruction and related services, excluding other living and personal expenses.

Schedule of Classes


Student Life

Student Rights & Responsibilities

UK Police

Vaccination & Compliance

University Policy and Appropriate Relationships Course

Getting Your Bearings

Campus Maps

Campus Shuttles

​Lexington's local bus service is free for UK students, faculty, & staff.

Lexington Visitor Center
Get maps, city information, and lists of local attractions, restaurants, and shopping.

Wellness Resources

Other Wellness Sources Available on Professional Enhancement 


Student Wellbeing Resources (WellKentucky) 

University Health Service
Find out what services are covered by the Health Fee.

Counseling Center

Student Wellness Center

Campus Recreation and Wellness

The Arboretum: State Botanical Garden of Kentucky

PhD Balance
Join this community dedicated to empowering graduate students and helping them grow their own resilience.


The POWER office is offering another series of health and wellness coaching just for graduate students. Graduate Group Health and Wellness Coaching is a 4-week series available for all Graduate Students! Join a group of your peers to talk through the stressors in graduate school and life and develop healthier coping strategies as well as peer accountability to work towards those goals! Questions? Email 

Writing & Publishing

Proposal Development Office
Get information about writing grants.

Electronic Theses & Dissertations
Plan now to submit  your thesis or dissertation in electronic form.

Writing Center

Thesis & Dissertation Writing Camp

Child Care

UK Early Childhood Laboratory
ECL is located on campus and provides early childhood education to 57 children from six weeks of age through pre-school. This program is operated by the College of Education and provides both full-time and part-time schedules. (859) 257-7732.

Woodland Early Learning Center

Additional Child Care Resources

Solving Academic Disputes

Academic Ombud
The helps resolve academic disputes between students and faculty or administration. When students are unable to resolve grievances or complaints through usual means, the ombud may be able to expedite the process or advise the student about the proper procedures to follow. Problems include, but are not limited to, violation of students' academic rights, unfair teaching and grading practices, cheating and plagiarism, and discrimination and harassment. All cases are held in strict confidence.

Appeals, Complaints, & Concerns
Sometimes students need to address complaints and bring up issues of concern both inside and outside the classroom. You can go to this site to find out the path for appeals, complaints, and other concerns.

Note: Some Web sites to which these materials provide links for the convenience of users are not managed by the University of Kentucky. The University does not review, control, or take responsibility for the contents of those sites.


UK International Center
International students should check in with this office upon arriving in Lexington

UK Legal Clinic
Senior law students work under the supervision of an experienced lawyer to provide basic legal services to those who, because of income limitations, could not otherwise secure representation.

Career Center

Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center

Disability Resource Center

Office for Institutional Diversity

Office for LGBTQ Resources

Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center

International Health, Safety & Security Office
Students traveling internationally can access the international travel registry from this site, as well as information on the University’s international insurance plan and other resources that may be helpful during their time abroad.

UK Religious Advisors Staff

Center for English As A Second Language

Education Abroad & Exchanges

Report discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct

Community of Concern

Student Employment

​International Student Travel Tips and Reminders