The Graduate School's Thesis & Dissertation Writing Camp provides dedicated writing time and a supportive environment for graduate students who are actively writing their master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. The Camp offers structure to help schedule your time as well as programming to motivate and encourage you as you work. Much of the Camp time, however, is self-directed writing time. The Camp is for students who have completed their research or are nearing completion and are engaged in writing their theses or dissertations. Since registration is limited, we ask students who are pre-quals or still in the data collection phase of their theses or dissertations to please wait and apply for a future camp.
We offer two Writing Camps annually. These camps are usually held at the following times:
Summer Writing Camps
This special two-week-long camp is held in the middle of May, approximately a week after finals week.
Spring Writing Camps
This one-week-long camp is held during Spring Break.