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The GSAS Form is the appointment form used to appoint Teaching, Research and Graduate Assistants and notifies the Graduate School to pay the appropriate tuition scholarship for the student. The GSAS Form is available through myUK.

If a student is being hired outside their main academic unit, the hiring unit should initiate the GSAS form in myUK and not the student’s main academic unit. See the instructions for more details.

Getting Started


Quick Reference Guide

GSAS Open: 11/18/2024 thru 1/13/2025 4/14/2025 thru 5/19/2025
Exception to Business Procedures will be needed for GSAS forms not submitted by: 1/13/2025 5/19/2025
Deadline for student to accept GSAS form: 1/20/2025 5/23/2025
Universal Tuition Account Field Edit Open: 11/18/2024 thru 2/21/2025 N/A
Universal Tuition Recharge: Before the end of March N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question below to see the answer.

I have a student on a training grant, do I need to enter a GSAS?

No. GSAS forms should not be entered for students on training grants.

How do I enter a GSAS if I hire a student for a half-assistantship and another department is hiring them for the other half-assistantship?

In a situation where the student will be hired by two different hiring departments in the same term, each hiring unit should enter their own GSAS for their half of the assistantship.

Do students need to be enrolled full-time to receive an assistantship?

While it is preferred that students be enrolled full-time to receive an assistantship, it is not necessary. The academic load should not exceed 12 credit hours unless recommended by the DGS and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. International students must be enrolled full-time per the terms of their visa, so they do have a minimum number of credit hours. 748 (0 credit hours), 749 (0 credit hours), 757 (2 credit hours), and 767 (2 credit hours) classes are considered full-time for reporting purposes only. This is a situation in which a student has full-time enrollment but is not enrolled in 9 credit hours.

I have a student who received an LTJ Fellowship, do I need to enter a GSAS?

No. GSAS forms should not be entered for students receiving an LTJ Fellowship. If an LTJ recipient will also hold a half-TA or half-RA appointment, this needs to be approved using the overload form, not a GSAS.

What should I enter for the UT Account number?

The UT Account number is the Universal Tuition account number (cost center or grant) from which the assistant's in-state portion of tuition will be paid. If you know this information, enter it. If you are unsure of your account number or there will be more than one account used, enter your departmental account. Once the GSAS has been saved, you can go back a view the submitted GSAS and edit the UT Account number or split the amount of in-state tuition to be paid between two accounts using a percentage. You can only split the amount of the UT Account number between two accounts. If the student is receiving a Dean's Tuition Scholarship, please enter 1234567890 for the UT Account number.

What if the system says I am not authorized to create forms?

To have view or entry access in the GSAS system, employees will need to have completed the SLCM 200 course that provides the student account view role. Once they have completed the course, their supervisor needs to email Kevin Johnson and include the 8-digit Org Unit number code for the hiring departments they need to access, which level of access, view or entry, their linkblue ID, and the reason why they need access to the GSAS system. The Org Units should be hiring units within their college or general area. If they are replacing someone, please include the linkblue ID of the person they are replacing so they can be removed. Employees should not have access to enter GSAS for other hiring departments outside their college or general area.

I need to make changes to a form I submitted. Can I do that?

If you need to update the PERNR, UT Account number, or Stipend, these fields are editable until the deadline set by the Graduate School each semester. If you need to make any other changes to the GSAS form, a new form will need to be submitted. Contact Kevin Johnson to request that the previously submitted form be canceled first and he will instruct you to when you may enter a new form.

I received the error "Contract should not span multiple academic years, reselect sessions." What do I do?

Click back to the Year & Term screen and confirm that you do not have terms checked for more than one academic year. You cannot select terms in two different academic years. Deselect the incorrect academic terms then click continue again to attempt the submission again. Academic years run Fall, Spring, and Summer. Remember GSAS should be entered on a term-by-term basis only and not by academic year.

Who approves these?

GSASs entered by a student’s main academic unit route directly to the student for approval. The student should receive an e-mail with a link that takes them to a designated area of myUK where they can review and accept their GSAS contract. Once all approvals are complete, an e-mail is sent to the originator of the form letting them know. GSASs entered by a hiring unit outside a student’s main academic unit will route to the DGS/DGS Staff of the student's main academic unit alerting them to the fact that another hiring department wishes to hire their student. If the program department agrees, they should approve the form and then it will route to the student for approval. The student should receive an e-mail with a link that takes them to a designated area of myUK where they can review and accept their GSAS contract. Once all approvals are complete, an e-mail is sent to the originator of the form letting them know.

How can I print a copy?

Unfortunately, there is no way to print a copy of the GSAS contract. Should your student need proof of the assistantship for I-20 purposes or other reasons, the International Center will accept an offer letter supplied by the hiring department that details the terms of the assistantship