New users may set up a free account through the Graduate School's subscription by following the directions found here.
If you already have an account, you may access 20-Minute Mentor Commons here:
The Graduate School offers currently enrolled graduate students and TA Developers any-time access to Magna Digital Library, nearly 500 video presentations by faculty experts and consultants on a range of topics in teaching, mentoring, leadership, and more. Most of the videos are approximately 20 minutes and are part of the 20-Minute Mentor Series, now subsumed by Magna Digital Library.
Each video is accompanied by supplemental materials in pdf, including a transcript of the presentation, the slide deck, and a printable certificate of completion. For a complete list of the 400+ presentations, click here. You can also search by topic or keyword within the site once you have established your account and logged in.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with your account, please contact the Magna Customer Service staff at
For local information or support, contact Chadwick Gilpin at