The purpose of this document is to establish the University’s policy regarding the teaching credentials and support activities required for Teaching Assistants (TAs). This policy is based on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) teaching credentials guidelines for graduate teaching assistants as follows: Master’s in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline, direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline, regular in-service training, and planned and periodic evaluations.
Definitions: For the purpose of this policy, primary responsibility is defined as a teaching assignment assumed by an individual who functions autonomously to carry out teaching and learning activities, evaluate student performance, and assign final grades.
In addition to TAs with primary, independent responsibility for teaching a class (Type 1), the University uses TAs in three other major ways:
- (Type 2) to teach a section of a course under a course coordinator who closely supervises all aspects of the teaching and learning process. Courses eligible for Type 2 TAs must be approved by The Graduate School and should be sections of a multi-section course with a faculty member serving as the course coordinator. In this type of teaching assignment, TAs deliver the course by using a common syllabus, common textbook, common exams, and common grading criteria. "Common" here means established by the course coordinator and used across the sections of the course. The TA recommends a final grade to the course coordinator who reviews the recommendation and takes responsibility for the final grades. Also required is ongoing structured support of Type 2 TAs, e.g., weekly meetings, a support course, grading calibration sessions, a series of workshops geared specifically to the course being taught, etc.
- (Type 3) to support a primary instructor within a classroom or lab setting, such as a recitation leader or lab instructor; and
- (Type 4) to provide out-of-classroom support to a primary instructor (behind the scenes, with minimal direct student interaction, but engaged in instructional duties such as grading).
Teaching Credentials and Support Activities: The criteria below describe the credentials and support necessary for each TA type: