The Graduate School holds required events before each fall and spring semester. The applicable events are required for all new TAs at the university. These activities are in addition to any orientations and other events held by individual colleges or departments.
Graduate School events include the following:
- New International TA Orientation: Online modules required for all international TAs who are new to teaching in higher education in the United States
- University-wide New TA Orientation: Asynchronous online modules required for all new teaching assistants at the university, regardless of prior teaching experience
- Microteaching: Two half-day in-person sessions, BOTH of which are required for all new teaching assistants at the university
- Language Screening: Required for all TAs whose primary language is not English (unless their TOEFL or IELTS speaking sub-scores default place them into a TA Language Screening category aligning with their TA duties)
The purpose of these university-wide activities is to provide an introduction to, and basic preparation for, teaching at the University of Kentucky. The events introduce a number of important support offices and resources that TAs can turn to for assistance throughout their tenure as a TA. Additionally, the events provide an opportunity for them to meet other TAs, learn effective teaching practices, and deliver a mini lesson through in-person microteaching sessions.