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NOTE: Please apply via the Graduate School's online admissions portal, found here.

The Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning provides a coherent, integrated approach to helping graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, current faculty, and others develop and document the skills needed as part of conscientious preparation for the full range of faculty responsibilities at a range of institutions of higher education.

This 12-credit-hour Certificate, including a required 3-credit-hour supervised practicum experience, provides a rich integration of theory and practice and provides participants with tangible documentation of their expertise in college teaching and learning. The Certificate is flexible so as to be accessible to participants from a wide range of disciplines. It uses departmental courses related to college teaching and learning as well as centralized courses.

The Certificate builds on the highly successful Preparing Future Faculty program, a collaborative effort between UK and Kentucky institutions including Asbury College, Berea College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Centre College, Eastern Kentucky University, Georgetown College, Kentucky State University, Lindsey Wilson College, Midway College, and Transylvania University.

The Certificate will produce graduates who are highly competitive in the job market in higher education, are quick starters as faculty members, and who can provide leadership in higher education.

Participants who are also pursuing graduate degrees are urged to apply for admission to the Certificate early in their course of graduate studies.

GCCTL Curriculum


Upon completion of the College Teaching and Learning Certificate, recipients will:

  • be well-prepared for all aspects of faculty life, including teaching, research and service responsibilities.
  • have a broad and deep understanding of the multiple roles of faculty across a range of institutions.
  • have both theoretical and practical understanding of teaching and learning.
  • have a validated teaching experience, mentored by strong faculty and designed to promote reflection and growth.
  • have a well-developed teaching philosophy and portfolio.
  • be ready to effectively teach in their discipline to a broad array of students.
  • have well-honed skills important to their particular situations and interests (i.e., Grant Writing, Diversity, Working with First-Year Students, Instructional Technologies, Assessment .

Required Courses

  • GS 650 Preparing Future Faculty (2 credit hours) [each fall]
  • EPE 672 College Teaching and Learning (3 credit hours) [each fall]
  • GS 699 Practicum in College Teaching (3 credit hours) [every semester and summer term]
    (Note: Students seeking to teach a course in fulfilment of the practicum at a university of college outside of the University of Kentucky must submit the Practicum in College Teaching [GS 699] Application for Admission at least one full semester before they would like to do the Practicum.)
  • Department-based teaching course (if available) (1-3 credit hours) [offering schedule varies by department]. If such a course is not available, students are required to take GS 610: College Teaching Seminar (1 credit hour) [every semester]

Remaining credit hours should be selected from the following list of elective courses, or additional department-based teaching, professional development, or faculty-preparation courses. Students wishing to apply courses not listed below must get approval from Faculty and Administrative Directors. 

Suggested Elective Courses

  • GS 600: Special Topics (credit varies; with approval by Faculty and Administrative Directors)
  • GS 610: Seminar in College Teaching (1 credit hour) [spring and fall]
  • GS 620: Seminar on Teaching in the 21st century (1-2 credit hours) [irregular offering]. Repeatable, with different topics. Topics may include:
    • Inclusive pedagogies
    • Assessment
    • Inspiring Curiosity
    • Universal Design
    • Understanding, challenging, and supporting first year students
  • GS 630: Instructional Technology (1 credit hour) [yearly, Spring]
  • GS 640: Grant Writing (3 credit hours) [yearly, Fall]
  • GS 695: Research and Development Problems in College Teaching and Learning (1-6 credit hours; directed study; repeatable to a maximum of 6 credit hours) [available every semester, with approval at least one semester in advance]
  • CI 616: Foundations of Instructional Communication
  • Various 600-level EPE courses relevant to faculty life and work in higher education (approval required by the Faculty and Administrative Directors). Examples include EPE 612: Introduction to Higher Education; EPE 622: College and University Faculty; and EPE 674: Theories of Student Development

Faculty Director, Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning: Dr. Kristen Perry, Associate Dean for Administration and Faculty Affairs. For more information or questions about course rotation, contact Dr. Perry at

GCCTL Benefits

For Graduate Students and Postdocs, and Faculty Participants

  • The certificate curriculum provides an organized, well-defined professional development curriculum culminating in a tangible credential documenting accomplishments.
  • Many of the courses in the certificate curriculum require participants to develop, and get feedback on, materials for their job search process in higher education and the courses they will teach once employed.
  • Participants in the Certificate curriculum have the information to enable them to better prepare for a faculty position that is a good match with their goals and values.
  • Course work and experiences in the certificate curriculum help participants develop skills that can lower their stress in teaching and provide more time for other activities of faculty life — and life as a graduate student or postdoc.

For Faculty and Departments

The Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning can:

  • assist recruitment efforts. Scores of universities, including eighteen of UK 's benchmark institutions, have certificates in college teaching (or equivalent funded fellowships). Lack of a credential certificate could negatively effect efforts to attract the best and brightest graduate students.
  • improve job placement for graduates. A Certificate adds additional credentialing that can prove critical in obtaining a first faculty position, thus enhancing the long-term reputation of graduate faculty.
  • provide recognition for graduate student professional development and teaching-related efforts. A Certificate also provides recognition to faculty for the work they do in providing professional development opportunities for graduate students.
  • provide additional resources and avenues for TA Development and PFF efforts. While many of the courses for the Certificate are in place now, the addition of a structured mentored practicum experience and the possibility of independent R&D work add additional options for departmental efforts.
  • provide incentives to graduate students for enhancing their teaching skills now. Enhancing the teaching skills of graduate students now enhances the experiences of their undergraduate students at UK .
  • provide opportunities for increased dialogue among students and faculty around issues of academic life and college teaching.

For the University of Kentucky

Indirectly, this Certificate can lead to:

  • improved undergraduate instruction .
  • recognition as an institution that values graduate student development.
  • enhanced reputation as major university .
  • a stronger graduate student/postdoc body .
  • stronger recognition of UK 's role as an institution that fosters quality instruction .

For Kentucky

Many faculty at Kentucky 's community colleges, colleges, and universities received their doctoral or terminal degrees at UK. These graduates, who teach our K-12 teachers, our future state legislators, and others who have an impact on culture and educational quality in the state, are central improving the range of educational experience in Kentucky . Improving their success is a long-term investment in the future of the Commonwealth.



Costs associated with the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning are those associated with any graduate courses at UK. 

Certificate Completion


Students admitted into the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning, who have completed all of the course and practicum requirements, may submit a degree application in the degree-audit feature of myUK.


All Forms

All forms can be found below or in the "Student Forms" section of current students. 

Application for Admission (pdf)

Course Work Proposal (pdf)

GS 699 Practicum in College Teaching

       Practicum Application (pdf)

       Approval for International Students (pdf)

       Mentoring Contract (pdf)

       ITA Language Screenings