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Master's/Specialist Degree Forms

Click here to your log in to your personal page and you will be able to complete and submit the required Master's/Specialist Final Examination form online.



Note: For cybersecurity reasons, all Degree Forms are now only accessible through VPN or on campus internet.  If a student or staff member does not have VPN access they can request it from central campus via the following process:

  1. Access the VPN Access Request Form from a personal device (not another organization's device).
  2. Log in using your LinkBlue credentials.
  3. Under “Justification for VPN Access”, enter “Required for graduate students and university staff to complete the Graduate School degree forms.”

Doctoral Degree Forms

In addition to coursework and research, there are several important issues that must be addressed in order to complete all requirements for your doctoral degree. This will involve the submission of a number of forms to the Graduate School, many at very specific time points. Click here to log in to your personal page and you will be able to complete and submit the required forms online.