Have you ever thought about launching your own business or organization? Perhaps you’ve developed original research during your PhD and want to build a business that takes this research into the marketplace. Or maybe you have a unique skill that you want to leverage to help others while making a living. Or perhaps you just like the idea of working for yourself - being your own boss!
In this workshop, Beyond the Professoriate co-founder and CEO L. Maren Wood will discuss the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. She’ll walk you through some of the important decisions you need to make before launching your businesses, and outline the key skills that are necessary for entrepreneurship. You’ll also learn what you can do during your graduate studies to prepare for life as an entrepreneur. The workshop will be grounded in examples from Maren’s own experience building and running the small web-based business, Beyond the Professoriate.
Event is Oct at 3 p.m. in Woodward Hall of Gatton College of Business and Economics.