Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning Curriculum


Upon completion of the College Teaching and Learning Certificate, recipients will:

  • be well-prepared for all aspects of faculty life, including teaching, research and service responsibilities.
  • have a broad and deep understanding of the multiple roles of faculty across a range of institutions.
  • have both theoretical and practical understanding of teaching and learning.
  • have a validated teaching experience, mentored by strong faculty and designed to promote reflection and growth.
  • have a well-developed teaching philosophy and portfolio.
  • be ready to effectively teach in their discipline to a broad array of students.
  • have well-honed skills important to their particular situations and interests (i.e., Grant Writing, Diversity, Working with First-Year Students, Instructional Technologies, Assessment .


Required Courses

  • GS 650 Preparing Future Faculty (2 credit hours) [each fall]
  • EPE 672 College Teaching and Learning (3 credit hours) [each fall]
  • GS 699 Practicum in College Teaching (3 credit hours) [every semester and summer term]
    (Note: Students seeking to teach a course in fulfilment of the practicum at a university of college outside of the University of Kentucky must submit the Practicum in College Teaching [GS 699] Application for Admission at least one full semester before they would like to do the Practicum.)
  • Department-based teaching course (if available) (1-3 credit hours) [offering schedule varies by department]. If such a course is not available, students are required to take GS 610: College Teaching Seminar (1 credit hour) [every semester]

Remaining credit hours should be selected from the following list of elective courses, or additional department-based teaching, professional development, or faculty-preparation courses. Students wishing to apply courses not listed below must get approval from Faculty and Administrative Directors. 

Suggested Elective Courses

  • GS 600: Special Topics (credit varies; with approval by Faculty and Administrative Directors)
  • GS 610: Seminar in College Teaching (1 credit hour) [spring and fall]
  • GS 620: Seminar on Teaching in the 21st century (1-2 credit hours) [irregular offering]. Repeatable, with different topics. Topics may include:
    • Inclusive pedagogies 
    • Assessment
    • Inspiring Curiosity 
    • Universal Design 
    • Understanding, challenging, and supporting first year students
  • GS 630: Instructional Technology (1 credit hour) [yearly, Spring]
  • GS 640: Grant Writing (3 credit hours) [yearly, Fall]
  • GS 695: Research and Development Problems in College Teaching and Learning (1-6 credit hours; directed study; repeatable to a maximum of 6 credit hours) [available every semester, with approval at least one semester in advance]
  • CI 616: Foundations of Instructional Communication 
  • Various 600-level EPE courses relevant to faculty life and work in higher education (approval required by the Faculty and Administrative Directors). Examples include EPE 612: Introduction to Higher Education; EPE 622: College and University Faculty; and EPE 674: Theories of Student Development

Faculty Director, Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning: Dr. Jeffery Bieber (

Administrative Director, Preparing Future Faculty Program and Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning: Dr. Morris Grubbs (see below for contact info)

For more information or questions about course rotation, contact Dr. Morris Grubbs at or (859) 257-9725.