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Registration Holds | Office of the University Registrar


How do I get a hold removed?

If you have a hold on your account that prevents registration you must have the hold removed before you will be able to register. You will need to log in to myUK to review any holds on your account and to see the contact information for the appropriate office responsible for the removal of the hold. The Graduate School does not have authority to remove holds placed by other offices.

All students should review the 'myInfo' section of myUK to check for any holds on your account that may prevent registration. Review the details of any holds you find to see what action must be taken in order to have them removed. Colleges/departments that have mandatory advising requirements will have an academic advising hold on your account each semester that may only be removed once you have met with your advisor.

How do I request a leave of absence?

If you are an enrolled graduate student at the University of Kentucky and you sit out for one or more semesters you will need to complete a new application and pay the application fee in order to be considered for readmission. In many instances you can avoid this requirement by requesting a “leave of absence”. In addition to avoiding the application process, this status will allow you to priority register in preparation for your return.

Requesting Leave of Absence

Procedurally, you should contact your Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) to seek approval for the leave prior to the beginning of the semester in question*. If approved, the DGS will contact your Graduate School admissions officer who will modify your record accordingly. You may request no more than two consecutive and four total semesters in leave of absence status. Post-qualifying doctoral students are not eligible for the leave of absence.

International students considering a leave of absence are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans with the UK International Center, Department of Immigration Services prior to making a formal request.

Registration FAQs