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UK GradResearch Live! was born out of the The University of Queensland’s 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, a research presentation initiative that challenges graduate students to effectively communicate their research to a general audience, with a single

Congratulations to the 2024, 3 Minute Thesis Winners! The full event can be streamed here or below!

Pre-3MT Winners

First Place & People's Choice Award Winner: Josephine Otuagomah, Nutritional Science, "Cells Can Lie Too"

Second Place: Fatemeh Hamedi, Biomedical Engineering, "Seeing the Unseen: Optical Imaging for Early Detection of Brain Disorders in Newborns"

Third Place: Jainam Dhruva, Computer Science, "Building a Smarter Home for a Greener Planet"

3MT Winners

First Place: Pegah Safavi, Biomedical Engineering, "What If a Portable Sensor Could Enable Early Alzheimer’s Detection" 

Second Place: Mary Margaret Zrull, Musicology, "Composed in Captivity: Music by French Prisoners of War during WWII"

Third Place: Carleigh Litteral, Experimental Psychology, "Impact of Family History Density on Substance Use Onset and Duration"

People's Choice Award Winner: Deborah Adeyemi, Chemistry, "‘YOU’ are the Air I Breathe!"