Kaylynne Glover re-elected Director of Legislative Affairs for NAGPS


Kaylynne Glover, a PhD candidate in the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky, has been re-elected to serve a second term on the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students (NAGPS) 2019 Board of Directors as the Director of Legislative Affairs. Ms. Glover was elected at the 32nd annual NAGPS conference held at the University of Arkansas by a membership board consisting of graduate and professional student leaders from universities across the United States.  In her national role Ms. Glover 1) develops the association’s legislative platform, 2) coordinates grassroots efforts within and out of the association, 3) issues policy statements and calls to action when needed, and 4) chairs the legislative concerns committee. In addition to her reelection, Ms. Glover was also recently honored by NAGPS as one of three Outstanding Board Members for the 2018 year. Locally she serves as the External Affairs Officer and Emeritus President of the University of Kentucky’s Graduate Student Congress.

NAGPS represents hundreds of thousands of graduate and professional students at universities across the nation and advocates for better higher education policy in the United States. The organization strives to empower graduate students through leadership opportunities and encouraging civic engagement in the national conversation surrounding issues relevant to the quality of graduate education.